El Instituto Bíblico Misionero Cristiano “Amigos de Jesús” (IBMC), the Bible school at Clínica La Esperanza, just south of San Quintín, is training up indigenous workers from the migrant farm camps. Upon graduation, many of these students return to their homes in mainland Mexico prepared to present the Gospel in their own dialect. The Bible school uses donations to buy food and supplies for the students.

Ministry responsibilities:
- Teach & disciple students in cultivating a personal relationship with God.
- Train and capacitate students with a Biblical foundation so that they, in turn, can minister to individuals including seasonal workers at the farm camps, the church body, and the community at-large, including working with other churches.
- Oversee various outreach ministries such as the clown ministry (schools & camps), music & youth ministry.
Long-range Objectives
- Have the Bible school grow in teachers and also in students.
- Instill a desire to reach more people in the students that would include serving at different locations and going on missions trips.
- Have graduates take up/lead ministries and plant churches in areas that are currently not being reached.
- Capacitate students in life skills (woodshop & construction), as well as reading and writing, if necessary.
- Restart kids club that focuses on providing health education (preventative), sports activities, and would provide healthy meals/snacks.
- Continue to expand youth program to provide positive alternative activities with the hopes of eventually having a multi-purpose court for soccer, basketball, outreach and community events.
Long-range Contribution to MMM goals
- We are building relationships with individuals, various church groups, and organizations to further the work the Lord has set before us of reaching out to those who need spiritual healing. In working with them, we are making them aware that we truly care and are in it for the long run.
- We are interested in doing more health education with children, in more of a preventative way to keep them healthy.
- As we train students, they would be capable and willing to help at other sites and ministry outreaches.