
  • Mission Teams Come Back to La Esperanza (DUPLICATE)

    Mission Teams Come Back to La Esperanza (DUPLICATE)

    Pastor Rafael Junior, Gerardo, and the rest of the local volunteers did a phenomenal job of continuing with the ministry and helping meet the needs of the elderly, widows, and quarantined migrant farm workers during COVID. This dedicated work resulted in two mission churches being established! Yet, we also praise God that mission teams were…

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  • How Pedro met Jesus

    How Pedro met Jesus

    How Pedro met Jesus We have a number of missionaries in Mexico who serve in different locations, specifically in the peninsula of Baja California. Our missionary, Dubiel, serves in Cabo San Lucas, but she also has the chance to participate in health fairs in other places. I want to share the story of Pedro and…

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  • Bringing Healing & Hope through Nutrition

    Bringing Healing & Hope through Nutrition

    Earlier this year, a door opened for us to offer a health and nutrition workshop at our local church. It all started as Erin was sharing with our pastor’s wife about some of the things she was studying and learning about health, nutrition, and the impact small changes in our diet and lifestyle can have.…

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  • Leading People to Christ, Encouraging Pastors, and Strengthening Churches

    Leading People to Christ, Encouraging Pastors, and Strengthening Churches

    These have been and continue to be our primary goals as missionaries It is our privilege to lead medical outreaches (brigadas médicas) with the ‘core team’ of Mexican nationals that the Lord has called to work with us. These events continue to offer many and various services in an effort to meet individual needs. For…

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  • Greetings in this Beautiful Season

    Churches and Christian ministries in the San Quintín Valley have been flooded with showers–a hurricane south of our peninsula recently brought 1 ½ days of rain and flash floods to refresh our land of drought Meanwhile, we are awed by YEARS of spiritual blessing that we have experienced to the Glory of God: God showered…

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  • Article By Missionary Gail Trujillo

    Article By Missionary Gail Trujillo

    It’s been quite a year… and quite a life, in looking back. It’s been over a year now since I lost my Vince to angiosarcoma cancer. During my leave of absence earlier this year, I have found myself processing the life we had together and seeking Father God’s direction for how to proceed in moving…

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  • Missionary Cris McCoy

    Missionary Cris McCoy

    The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. Isaiah 61:1 Jesus said that we get to do these things too!…

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  • Cuba Ministry

    Cuba Ministry

    Cuba has had another difficult year in 2022, with worsening shortages of food, medicine, and other essentials; daily rotating hours-long electrical outages throughout the island; extreme inflation; and more. Please join us in praying for joy, provision, and endurance for our dear Cuban brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as that the growing sense…

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  • Missionary Allan Lee in San Quintín

    Missionary Allan Lee in San Quintín

    God greatly blessed our efforts during 2022 to continue developing Scripture resources in the Copala Triqui language. In May, my Triqui coworker and I completed the recording of the revised Copala Triqui New Testament, and the final revision of the formatting of the NT text is nearly finished! (The final editing of the audio is…

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  • Ongoing Legacy of Mexican Medical Ministries

    In 1962, our founder Loran Long and his wife Jean took their two daughters and drove down the Baja to the fishing and farming town of San Quintín. They began as missionaries with the plan to help plant churches. As the healthcare needs of the community became apparent, Loran started flying doctors down from Torrance,…

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