Cuba has had another difficult year in 2022, with worsening shortages of food, medicine, and other essentials; daily rotating hours-long electrical outages throughout the island; extreme inflation; and more. Please join us in praying for joy, provision, and endurance for our dear Cuban brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as that the growing sense of desperation in the country as a whole would lead many to turn to the hope that only God can provide. It has been such a joy to see local churches reaching out to their communities now more than ever, despite the many obstacles.

Because of the difficult circumstances in Cuba, customs authorities have temporarily allowed travelers to enter the country with unlimited amounts of food, hygiene items, and medications, also waiving all duty fees for these items. I have been able to take advantage of this, carrying in hundreds of pounds on three trips in the past year, with a fourth planned for December.
In this way, we have been able to provide vitamins and medications to churches in four different neighborhoods of Havana to help meet the needs in their communities, as well as to two individuals who travel frequently to eastern provinces and are able to share them with churches in more remote areas. We have heard many testimonies of how God has shown his faithfulness and provision through this. A pastor’s wife recently wrote:
I want to thank you for the medicines you brought. They have been a great help! I was prescribed calcium and vitamin D supplements over a year ago and had not ever been able to start taking them because they were nowhere to be found in Cuba. We thank God and your ministry for the love you have shown the Cuban people.
We are also working on a second container shipment to Cuba, filled with pallets of food, hygiene items, adult diapers, bedding, and other much-needed items. Thank you so much to all who have partnered with us through prayer, donations of items or finances, or in any other way to help make this possible.
Please pray for open doors and favor as we begin to request various permits and approvals from authorities in both Cuba and the US for the shipment.
By Amy Fuller