Support Ministry in Tijuana
Tijuana is the largest city in Baja California and on the Baja California Peninsula. As an industrial and financial center of Mexico, Tijuana exerts a strong influence on economics, education, culture, art, and politics. Currently one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in Mexico, Tijuana maintains global city status. As of 2020, the city of Tijuana had a population of 1.92 million.
By supporting the ministry in Tijuana, you are supporting the Libby‘s work
For over twenty years, Craig and Kristi have served together with the common goal of glorifying God and pointing people to Jesus. Currently, they are using the gifts God has given them as they co-lead the Tijuana Medical Brigadas, which they helped start in 2004. Their greatest joy is providing opportunities for the body of Christ to work together, each one doing their part, so that Christ can be introduced, and people’s lives can be changed spiritually, physically, and emotionally. In these last 20 years, 55,000 medical services have been freely given with 14,250 people praying to receive Jesus as Savior through the events they’ve led.
It has been their joy to have their son Josh and daughter Katie serve with them from birth to adulthood.

Their prayer requests are that God will use them to:
- Point people to their need for Jesus
- Encourage pastors
- Help churches grow
Pray also:
- For health
- For safety
- To be hearing God’s still small voice
- That many will come to know Christ through medical evangelism