What exactly is this all about?
Weekender teams are organized in order to bring health care and the love of Jesus Christ to the
people of Mexico while working alongside local Mexicans.
While using the health care as a method of drawing in the people, we use their time with us to
present the gospel of Jesus Christ. We often use a Health Fair format that includes activities that
fall under three categories: health screening, health education, and evangelism.
What type of health care do we give?
Services that are routinely offered are dental, general medicine, chiropractic and optometry. We
are always open to other specialties too.
Who can be a part of the team?
Anyone with a heart to help the needy! A good team has 50% non-medical people who are
willing to pitch in and do anything.
What if I/we don’t speak Spanish?
This is not a problem. Obviously, life is easier if there are several bilingual team members, but
it’s not impossible without them. The Weekender Manual, which you will receive once yo
application has been approved, includes phrases for team members to work on prior to their
Is there a minimum age requirement?
While a person of any age is welcome to go, a parent must accompany team members under 18
years of age.
Do participants need a passport?
Yes, passports are required for travel into Mexico.
What does it cost?
The cost for those coming on Saturday only is $50.
What is included?
The $50 fee for the day includes: ground transportation from the Mexican Medical office in
Lemon Grove, California, to the site and back, trip insurance, snack, water, a lite lunch, outreach
supplies (medicine, advertising, glasses, chairs, tables, etc.), and an administration fee.
Food is generally purchased in the United States and transported to the site.
What about medical liability insurance?
Liability coverage is not generally purchased or used by Mexican health care workers; therefore
Mexican Medical does not require it for medical team volunteers.
Where do I start?
If you are interested in serving on a Tijuana Brigada Team, download the Weekender volunteer
application at www.mexicanmedical.com. Once you send in the application, along with the
other requested forms, we will get in touch with you regarding details, as well as send you the
Weekender Manual, which will aide in your preparation. Please note that you only need to fill
out the application once. You do not need to fill out a new one every time you come.
How do we share the Gospel?
Various methods may be used including, but not limited to: passing out tracts, showing
evangelistic movies, sharing Bible stories, using puppets to tell Bible stories, working on a
wordless bracelet or other crafts, and one on one evangelism with the assistance of local church
members. The last station that every patient will visit is the evangelism tent where they will
clearly hear the gospel presented by someone from the local Mexican church.
Do we have devotions?
Yes, we set aside time before the brigada to pray and spend time focusing on the Lord for
guidance, wisdom and safety.
Who provides health insurance?
While part of your fee includes trip insurance that includes health insurance in Mexico, we ask
that all participants provide their own U.S. health insurance coverage.
What is a typical schedule?
6:45 AM Meet at Mexican Medical for orientation
8:30AM- Arrive at Brigada location in Tijuana
9 AM- Start seeing patients and start children’s ministry
Noonish- alternate out for lunch
3 PM- Wrap up and start tearing down
5:00PM- Head for the border crossing
8-9 PM- Arrive back at Mexican Medical Office
What do I need to bring with me?
If you are a medical professional please bring your diagnostic set and stethoscope. Everyone
needs to bring passports, water bottles sun block and money for a possible taco stop on the way