Hospital El Buen Pastor
Serving In the San Quintรญn Valley

Dr. Rita Gonzรกlez
Since 2007, Dr. Rita has served on staff at Hospital El Buen Pastor in San Quintรญn, Baja California, Mexico, where she was born and raised. Her work encompasses the hospital administration, the nursing school, family practice, and coordination for her fatherโs surgical patients. Ever since she was a young girl , Rita has been giving Bible classes at church and in her neighborhood, and is now assisted by her two girls.
Our Work
During the summer months, the clinic is busy with groups from the United States and Canada who come for a week for a short-term mission trip. During the week, the groups are involved in chapel, work projects, VBS and film ministry. They also attend the church services offered throughout the week. During the other months, La Esperanza hosts various medical teams who come from anywhere from a weekend to three months.
These medical teams include dentists, chiropractors, audiologists, ophthalmologists, general practitioners, nurse practitioners and more. The people in the camps are blessed by the services provided by these professionals, but, more importantly, each person that comes to the clinic hears the Good News of Jesus Christ our Savior. La Esperanza is a growing ministry with various outreaches. Please consider joining our team and changing lives both physically and spiritually.