Priscila Carolina Ayala
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Carolina desires to serve in communities where there is need, with local churches being the means of connection to serve God. She will be monitoring and following up on the process of development and nutrition of groups of children who go to soup kitchens, as well as providing preventive medicine to young people and adults in neighborhoods of Cabo San Lucas working as a team with Dr. Avila and his wife Soledad.

Carolina is originally from Mexico City. Since the age of 13, she has served in her local church with the children’s ministry. In 2017, Carolina came to Cabo San Lucas to live with an aunt, who helped in a ministry in a community called La Purísima approximately 8 hours away, north of Cabo San Lucas, led by missionary Pastor Dimas and his wife Ruth Ponce.

On one of the occasions in which Carolina participated in the activities of that ministry, she had the opportunity to be part of the health fair with Mexican Medical there in La Purísima in an indirect way. After concluding that time of serving in some towns near La Purísima, Carolina had the desire in her heart to find out how she could join the ministry since a sister in Christ, Gabriela Ruby Rodriguez, was going to study nursing to serve God with the help of Mexican Medical.

Carolina obtained information and prayed to God to discern His will and see if she would be granted the opportunity to join the ministry. She did not know if she would receive the application from Mexican Medical, but just at the time that she was going to submit documents to a secular university, the application arrived through Pastor Steve Crews.

She did not hesitate and chose to serve God by responding to His call to join the MMM team. A few months later, Carolina traveled to San Quintín to begin her nursing studies which lasted approximately 8 months. Then, she returned to Baja California Sur where Carolina completed her degree in nursing.

Carolina desires to serve in communities where there is need, with local churches being the means of connection to serve God. She will be monitoring and following up on the process of development and nutrition of groups of children who go to soup kitchens, as well as providing preventive medicine to young people and adults in neighborhoods of Cabo San Lucas working as a team with Dr. Avila and his wife Soledad.

Carolina’s desire is that many people not only be physically healthy but that they will know the healing and salvation of their souls through the message of the redemptive work of our Savior Jesus Christ.