Gail Trujillo
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The Trujillo’s main ministry involved establishing training programs in local churches and helping local Bible schools throughout Baja California. They sought to train people to be effective Bible teachers and help local churches fulfill their purpose of evangelism and making disciples. This was accomplished through the development of curriculum, writing books, teaching in schools and also in facilitating faculty from the U.S. and Mexico. They are establishing mini Bible schools in local churches.

Vince and Gail both came to know the Lord at the age of six, Vince accepted the Lord at his home church in Perris, CA, and Gail came to know the Lord when her sister and friend shared the gospel with her. Vince & Gail met at Southwestern Bible College in Phoenix, AZ. During his college years, Vince served as a short-term missionary for 1 year in the Philippines. After college Vince went to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. After completing seminary, he was called to a church in Arizona, where he got reacquainted with Gail.

Together, Vince and Gail begin serving on staff of local churches in the area of Christian Education and Youth Ministries. Developing training programs for leadership in local churches, Vince and Gail sensed that God was impacting people through these ministries. It is very fulfilling for Vince & Gail to know that they’re doing what God has called them to do in seeing lives grow in their walk with Christ.

Vince had been in touch with missionaries and nationals in the Philippines. One of those letters presented the challenge of going to the Philippines to develop training programs for local churches. They served with World Venture in the Philippines at the Conservative Baptist Bible Seminary and also the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines.

They returned in 1998 and, because of health issues, made the decision not to return to the Philippines. After completing their home assignment, God opened the door to continue to serve as missionaries in Mexico. Since October of 1999, Vince and Gail served with Mexican Medical Ministries in a variety of responsibilities. Vince has served as the Caravan Coordinator and Missionary Care & Development Director, and has also developed the appointment process of short-term and long-term missionaries for Mexican Medical Ministries.

After serving as an office-based missionary for over 10 years, Vince and Gail felt God leading them back to the field, where they are lived in Tecate, Baja California, based at the Seminario Teológico de Baja California. Their activities included participating with evangelistic outreaches with the medical outreaches in Tijuana and also with other missionaries in their activities. They also led teams from the U.S. who come to minister to local churches in Tecate.

Their main ministry involved establishing training programs in local churches and helping local Bible schools throughout Baja California. They sought to train people to be effective Bible teachers and help local churches fulfill their purpose of evangelism and making disciples. This was accomplished through the development of curriculum, writing books, teaching in schools and also in facilitating faculty from the U.S. and Mexico. They were establishing mini Bible schools in local churches.


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