Allan, originally from the state of New York, has been serving with Mexican Medical Ministries since 1986. Rosy, born and raised in the San Quintín valley, formerly served as a nurse at the “El Buen Pastor” Hospital and now holds down the home front. They have three children, Marcos, Allan, and Ana, all born in San Quintín.
God has given Allan a special burden for the indigenous people groups of Mexico, and in particular the Copala Triqui (TREE-kay) people. He serves as a sort of “people group advocate” for this group, facilitating ministry to the Triquis in the San Quintín area, networking with others ministering to Triquis there and elsewhere, promoting the development and distribution of ministry resources in the Triqui language, researching their migration, and promoting intercession on their behalf. Allan serves many other people groups through his efforts to distribute Christian audio, video and printed resources in their languages. In years past he spearheaded the efforts to dub the JESUS video into the Tumbal, Cho’l and Juxtlahuaca Mixtec languages.

Allan is also very involved at the regional and national levels in a cooperative movement to promote a vision for the involvement of the Mexican evangelical Church in cross-cultural missions (COMIMEX). Towards this end he is involved in teaching, writing, networking, and developing and promoting resources to help equip the Mexican Church for cross-cultural ministry. He is also developing a web page (in Spanish) on behalf of the Department of Missiological Principles and Models of COMIMEX, of which he is the Coordinator.
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