They desire to start a new work. They would love to teach children God’s Word and help them with their education, nutrition, and health to impact their families with the gospel.
Ruby is married to Marcos Lee, the son of the missionary Allan Lee, who works with the Triqui People. Marcos was raised in Mexico and growing up he served in different ministries including helping teams with Mexican Medical and now he does media work for MMM. He currently serves as assistant pastor in a local church. Ruby is from La Purisima, Baja California Sur.

Ruby got involved with Mexican Medical through a health fair in her hometown. She was able to help share the gospel with the people. It touched her heart to be part of that ministry outreach. It was during those days that she was praying for guidance to know what to study. It was that experience that led her to begin her studies in nursing, which has been supported by Mexican Medical.
Ruby spent some time in San Quintin as she began with Mexican Medical but then she continued her studies in La Paz, Baja California Sur. A few years later, during the pandemic, nursing school classes were online, so she returned to visit friends in the San Quintín Valley and ended up continuing the online classes from there.
While in San Quintín, Ruby started an evangelistic ministry with a group of people sharing the gospel at a hospital, a park, and the marketplace. Other believers continue on with these ministries. It was also during that time that Marcos and Ruby decided to start a relationship and got married 2 years later.
Together, they are currently working with the teenagers at the local church and visiting different communities to share the gospel with children and their families.

Both Marcos and Ruby have a heart for evangelism. They have done activities such as open-air preaching and distribution of Bible Tracts. They buy Bible Tracts in large quantities to give away to the local church and other people who evangelize. They also have written and designed their own Bible Tracts.