Retired Missionaries
We want to honor to the dedicated missionaries who have retired from Mexican Medical Ministries. Explore the remarkable contributions they made in service to the Lord by delving into the details of their impactful work.

Gail Trujillo
The Trujillo’s main ministry involved establishing training programs in local churches and helping local Bible schools throughout Baja California. This was accomplished through the development of curriculum, writing books, teaching in schools and also in facilitating faculty from the U.S. and Mexico. They are establishing mini Bible schools in local churches.

Dave & Lynne Johnson
As part of Mexican Medical’s Baja team, the Johnsons lived and ministered in San Vicente. San Vicente is 140 miles south of San Diego, CA. Even though it is not far in distance from the USA, life is very different. This community is mostly indigenous peoples who are originally from other parts of Mexico. Many are working in agriculture for one season, and then return to their homes.

Don & Lorraine Karsgaard
Don and Lorraine were also Missionaries in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico; and they were always looking for individuals and teams, from Churches and Schools, to join with them in Mexico and help them with the practical and evangelistic outreach ministries they operate in coordination with the local Mexican Churches in and around Loreto.
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
Hebrews 13:7