How Pedro met Jesus

We have a number of missionaries in Mexico who serve in different locations, specifically in the peninsula of Baja California. Our missionary, Dubiel, serves in Cabo San Lucas, but she also has the chance to participate in health fairs in other places.

I want to share the story of Pedro and how God has worked in his life. He is an elderly man who lives with his elderly sister in Mulege. Pedro suffered a stroke that left him with lasting effects, mainly affecting the left side of his body, particularly his hand. We first visited Mulege three years ago during a mission outreach to support a small mission in the town (Mulege is a 9-hour drive from Cabo San Lucas). Pedro came to the outreach for physical therapy.

I treated him and taught him exercises he could do at home. It was a pleasant surprise to learn that he continued attending the mission and grew enthusiastic about learning more about God’s Word. Pedro accepted Christ!

Every time we visit Mulege, it is a joy to see him and spend time together. During this year’s outreach, Pedro was thrilled to see us again. He came for physical therapy and was very glad. He told me he had been looking for help to buy a splint for his left hand. We promised to find one for him. When I returned home, I ordered the splint online, but it took a long time to arrive.

Eventually, I brought it to the city of La Paz, where a sister took it to Ciudad Constituciรณn, and from there, another sister finally delivered it to Mulege. It was quite a journey, but the splint finally reached Pedro. It fit perfectly, and Pedro is now very happy and deeply grateful to God for everything he has received. His health has improved, and he constantly sends his greetings. We hope to see him again next year at the annual outreach, which we pray God will allow us to continue.

Thank you all for your support and prayers for these mission trips. They are a great blessing and impact many lives. We ask that you continue to pray for this community, the ministry, and its needs.

May God bless you greatly.

his is an update from Dubiel รvila, one of our missionaries in Mexico.

As the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the nations, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Acts 13:47

Dubiel รvila

Dubiel has a degree in physiotherapy. So it has been wonderful for her to be able to use this knowledge to help people in the community, especially the elderly, for which she had deeply longed. She currently serves in Cabo San Lucas and has had the opportunity to help in other communities, too.

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