Since 2007, Dr. Rita has served on staff at Hospital El Buen Pastor in San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico, where she was born and raised. Her work encompasses the hospital administration, the nursing school, family practice, and coordination for her father’s surgical patients. Ever since she was a young girl , Rita has been giving Bible classes at church and in her neighborhood, and is now assisted by her two girls.
Since 2007, Dr. Rita has served on staff at Hospital El Buen Pastor in San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico, where she was born and raised. Her work encompasses the hospital administration, the nursing school, family practice, and coordination for her father’s surgical patients. Ever since she was a young girl , Rita has been giving Bible classes at church and in her neighborhood, and is now assisted by her two girls.
Prayer Request: That God would send a Christian surgeon to work alongside her father, Dr. Alejandro González, who has a heart for God and the Mexican people.