Allan and Rosy Lee
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Allan, originally from the state of New York, has been serving with Mexican Medical Ministries since 1986. Rosy, born and raised in the San Quintín valley, formerly served as a nurse at the “El Buen Pastor” Hospital and now holds down the home front. They have three children, Marcos, Allan, and Ana, all born in San Quintín.
Amy Fuller
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Amy Fuller first came to Mexico in 1994 on a youth group trip and has been hooked ever since, first returning several times on other teams from Sutherlin Family Church (Sutherlin, Oregon) and then serving many summers as an intern at Clínica La Esperanza. After graduating from the University of Oregon (Spanish major, Linguistics and Latin American Studies minors), Amy came on board full-time with Mexican Medical Ministries in January 2003.
Bonnie Barajas
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Since I was little I have always felt the calling of God in my life to become a missionary but often wondered how that would be since I was already a Missionary PK.
Craig & Kristi Libby
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While serving on a Caravan team to San Felipe in 1995 with Hope Church from Lenox, Massachusetts, Kristi was called to full-time ministry with Mexican Medical.

Craig joined the Mexican Medical family in January 2005, and now serves as vice president. 
Cris McCoy
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Cris’s heart is to dispense the affection of Jesus to the needy, hurting, broken, and poor in spirit. This gift comes from time spent away alone with the Lord. It is out of this time and then into community where she most comes alive. She believes she was made just for this. It is her desire to focus on “exchanging love”–both giving and receiving God’s love.
Dave & Lynne Johnson (Retired)
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As part of Mexican Medical’s Baja team, the Johnsons lived and ministered in San Vicente. San Vicente is 140 miles south of San Diego, CA. Even though it is not far in distance from the USA, life is very different. This community is mostly indigenous peoples who are originally from other parts of Mexico. Many are working in agriculture for one season, and then return to their homes.
Don & Lorraine Karsgaard (Retired)
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Don and Lorraine were also Missionaries in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico; and they were always looking for individuals and teams, from Churches and Schools, to join with them in Mexico and help them with the practical and evangelistic outreach ministries they operate in coordination with the local Mexican Churches in and around Loreto.
Dr. Álvaro & Soledad Ávila
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Álvaro and Soledad have been serving the Lord as missionaries in Cabo San Lucas since 1996, ministering with Mexican Medical Ministries through medicine, health education, and evangelism. They are dedicated to providing medical and optical care, both in the clinic and in evangelistic health fairs. The Ávilas also provide care at senior centers, children’s feeding programs, and “Path of LIfe” rehab center, and in local schools.
Dr. Rita González
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Since 2007, Dr. Rita has served on staff at Hospital El Buen Pastor in San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico, where she was born and raised. Her work encompasses the hospital administration, the nursing school, family practice, and coordination for her father’s surgical patients. Ever since she was a young girl , Rita has been giving Bible classes at church and in her neighborhood, and is now assisted by her two girls.
Dubiel Ávila
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Dubie has a degree in physiotherapy. So it has been wonderful for her to be able to use this knowledge to help people in the community, especially the elderly, for which she had deeply longed. She currently serves in Cabo San Lucas and has had the opportunity to help in other communities, too.
Gail Trujillo
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The Trujillo’s main ministry involved establishing training programs in local churches and helping local Bible schools throughout Baja California. They sought to train people to be effective Bible teachers and help local churches fulfill their purpose of evangelism and making disciples. This was accomplished through the development of curriculum, writing books, teaching in schools and also in facilitating faculty from the U.S. and Mexico. They are establishing mini Bible schools in local churches.
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Gary & Pam Sheveland
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Our main objective is to support the local Mexican pastors and bring opportunities of ministry to the area they are reaching. This includes showing films, holding Health Fairs, Vacation Bible School
and other programs they might be involved in.
Gerardo Ayala Morelos
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As a missionary, Gerardo has learned a lot from the government doctors that come to serve once a week at the clinic, as well as from MMM. He has taken courses with the government doctors and is discovering what he enjoys. He appreciates that they have been willing to give everything, without expecting anything in return.
Lázaro and Idali Montesinos
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Lázaro and Idali Montesinos have three children and live in El Papalote in San Quintín, Baja California. Their ministry is called “Asael,” and their slogan is “United to Help.” Together with their daughter, Aholibama Cajemeto, they help disabled children and their families by providing an educational and social program.
Lupita Barajas
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Marcos and Ruby Lee
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Marcos and Ruby Lee live in San Quintín, Baja California. He currently serves as assistant pastor in a local church and shares the gospel through social media. Ruby is finishing her internship in nursing.

They desire to start a new work. They would love to teach children God’s Word and help them with their education, nutrition, and health to impact their families with the gospel.
Priscila Carolina Ayala
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Carolina desires to serve in communities where there is need, with local churches being the means of connection to serve God. She will be monitoring and following up on the process of development and nutrition of groups of children who go to soup kitchens, as well as providing preventive medicine to young people and adults in neighborhoods of Cabo San Lucas working as a team with Dr. Avila and his wife Soledad.
Rafael Ventura
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Pastor Rafael “Jr.” Ventura has devoted his life to serving migrant workers in the San Quintin Valley. He became a pastor in 2002. During the pandemic, he noticed the pressing need for food and essentials for newly-arrived workers in the consolidated Camp Vergel. Responding to their interest in Bible studies, he planted churches inside the camp and a nearby neighborhood. Now, he is working in building “La Casa de Esperanza y Fe para el Migrante” (House of Hope and Faith for the Migrant).
Steve & Jan Crews
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Steve and Jan have a long history of serving in Mexico with various visiting teams starting in 1976. Later, as youth pastors, they brought their own youth teams to Mexico and in 1996, transitioned to working directly with Mexican Medical in the communities in southern Baja.
Wayne & Erin Hilliker
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The Hillikers recognize that God has been at work in the hearts and lives of the people in Mexico, and are thankful to be part of what He is already doing. Their primary ministry focus is nutrition, health education and assisting the local church. Their ongoing prayer is to be an encouragement and to help strengthen the church in the work they are doing to “GO” out and make disciples.