Craig joined the Mexican Medical family in January 2005, and now serves as vice president.
While serving on a Caravan team to San Felipe in 1995 with Hope Church from Lenox, Massachusetts, Kristi was called to full-time ministry with Mexican Medical. After a year in language school she served for a year in Mexico between Hospital El Buen Pastor in San Quintin and El Buen Samaritano in Tijuana, working as a staff nurse. In 1998 she started serving in the office as Medical Services Coordinator. Kristi coordinates the Weekender, Medical Outreach and Dental/Surgical teams. Craig joined the Mexican Medical family in January 2005. He worked with the caravan team leaders and helped them prepare their teams for Mexico.
Josh joined the family in June of 2005 and has won over the hearts of everyone he has met both in the United States and Mexico.
Katie was born in May of 2008 and is already making new friends in Mexico.

For over twenty years, Craig and Kristi have served together with the common goal of glorifying God and pointing people to Jesus. Currently, they are using the gifts God has given them as they co-lead the Tijuana Medical Brigadas, which they helped start in 2004. Their greatest joy is providing opportunities for the body of Christ to work together, each one doing their part, so that Christ can be introduced, and people’s lives can be changed spiritually, physically, and emotionally. In these last 20 years, 55,000 medical services have been freely given with 14,250 people praying to receive Jesus as Savior through the events they’ve led.
It has been their joy to have their son Josh and daughter Katie serve with them from birth to adulthood.
Their prayer requests are that God will use them to:
- Point people to their need for Jesus
- Encourage pastors
- Help churches grow
Pray also:
- For health
- For safety
- To be hearing God’s still small voice
- That many will come to know Christ through medical evangelism