Lázaro and Idali Montesinos have three children and live in El Papalote in San Quintin, Baja California. Their ministry is called “Asael,” and their slogan is “United to Help.” Together with their daughter, Aholibama Cajeme, they help disabled children and their families.

Asael officially opened on May 14th, 2015. This ministry started because of their son Asael, who was born with an intellectual disability. This led them to want to help other kids in the community who had disabilities, too. Thus far, they have reached out in other communities helping 47 children across the San Quintin Valley. Their local church embraced this work and has lent its facilities to Asael.
Asael´s ministry has a program of pre-kindergarten where they prepare little kids for kindergarten. They provide individual therapies for children and teach parents topics related to disabilities. Apart from the educational program, they also have social assistance that consists of support for medical appointments, grocery deliveries, diapers, etc.
The ministry holds events where they invite the children’s families, which includes a traditional Mexican-style Christmas party. They begin with their Christmas play, through which they seek the opportunity, together with the church, to share the gospel with the families. It has been the means for families to come to faith in Jesus.