A Year of Transitions, Fulfillment, & Growth
As the world transitioned to a new normal, the Tijuana Medical Brigadas (medical outreaches) quickly adapted and didn’t miss a beat. Thanks to years of working with teams of volunteers that were made up of both Mexicans and Americans, the transition to a Mexican volunteer team has gone smoothly. We set a goal of 1,000…
Healing and Hope 2021
Looking back at the past year is similar to viewing life in a rear view mirror—it’s hard to believe we went down that road. There were many new limitations to our ministry and yet an equal amount of opportunities.
Cuba Shipment
Mexican Medical staff and volunteers load up a container shipment of food, essential hygiene items, and many other supplies for the people of Cuba. The pandemic has made it more critical than ever to help the seniors, children, and countless others who are in need of these life saving essentials
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Mexican Medical Ministries is an interdenominational non-profit organization, founded in 1963, dedicated to providing low or no-cost health care to the people of Mexico in the name of Jesus Christ.